A day in beauty mood 😍

Kategorier Kropp & sjÀl, Personlig utveckling, Uncategorized

Warning for many selfis 🔮 It’s just that this day really gave me a beautiful self confidence boost đŸ™đŸ» and I want to thank everyone at hairdressers Sinners & Saints for making me feel inspired & like a million bucks!

I’m so happy, getting a beautiful makeup by Nadja and a hair fix at the same time đŸ™đŸ»
Royalty treatment 👑 Majken from the right & Nadja on the left❀
Silver blonde by Nadja at Sinners & Saints❀
Got myself inked❀
This Andy Warhol inspiration is in process ❀
Completed a new online course Numerology ❀
Done ✅ 100 X 120 cm 💕

Laugh more at yourself & your vanity’s… we all have our human ego thing going on, acceptance of that makes your life easier, stop judging yourself 😘 I wish you all the best weekend ❀

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