What a beautiful weekend 😍

Yesterday was filled with amazing people, Mater class in intuition👍🏻

Hey! I have a question for you…..

Why do most of our Swedish people still let the ”Law of jante” rule our world and actions? I believe it’s time that we start living, thinking and acting without it!!!


A Swedish virus that makes you think:

– Don’t believe you are something

– You are not special

– Don’t take up to much space

– Dreams is nice if it fits your community box

– Do the same as everyone else

We are so scared of failure that we don’t even begin to try to do things we really want…..

Please! Let’s F**K Jante!! Do or try something today that is aligned with your inner soul happiness ❤️ A small step for humanity but BIG STEP FOR A SWEDISH PERSON 😘

Saturday night 🥂

My new hardcover art catalog arrived ❤️

You can purchase your signed copy here

And don’t forget to laugh on your way ❤️

Yesterday I got a new exciting collaboration with EvaKristina Jewelry of Sweden 🖤 She’s making a new collection of jewelry that is inspired off me!! It’s called ”D ICONIC ”

Here is a sample of a ring

This collection will be done in fall, so stay tuned 💋

Had a beautiful cup of coffee today (witch I have every day) with my relative and some really good things are coming and I will tell you as soon as it’s done 🖤

Working on a special order to a special person…❤️

Don’t forget to laugh 😂

Today my business /mastermind crew is finally getting together 👌🏻 To start the day with great positive people and enjoy a good cup of coffee is my kind of morning 🖤 Today we will look at how our different businesses can have a win/win collaboration 🖤 You are welcome to join us at our next breakfast 2/9.

Coming soon in Swedish


Soul topics, about life, relationships, intuition, personal development, my own experience, and more..

You can find my books at Regnbågens böcker i Haga Göteborg🖤

Don’t forget to laugh and meet your day with a smile 😂

Someday Lisa painting is done 🖤

I had a great birthday and I’m blessed with gratulations from many of you 😘🖤 (old pic⬇️

Presents and more❤️ Thank u Ulle & Helen❤️

Flowers sent to me from my friend Catrin who lives in Amsterdam ❤️

Today the first episode of Spökpodden is out and you can listen to it on Instagram @spokresor

For my blond/white hair


Tomorrow is a GREAT DAY!!! Tell you all about it tomorrow 💋