Today we started with writing a contract with an apartment in town, we will move at end of August 🖤 Breakfast coffee before signing

I got my lashes done today!!

Some New paintings in the horizon and it will be done for my exhibition next weekend 19-20/7.

Tonight I had a date with my girl power friends❤️❤️❤️❤️

It is so empowering to hang out with friends in joy and lots of laughter, good food & encouragement ❤️ me and my friends while laughing 😂😂😂😂

Tomorrow I’ll leave for Stockholm ☀️

Don’t forget to laugh 😘

Milos birthday with barbecue 🖤

Ada, a place in Belgrade where you can relax, have coffee, drinks and swim.

Yesterday I was with my sister to Serbien nationalmuseum of art, and this painting got to me❤️

A pit stop with rosé and cake at Moscow hotel 🖤

Skadarlija, oldest street in Belgrade

We also went to drina gallery and that was a fantastic experience 🖤🖤🖤 Great Art!

Now I only have 2 days left and I will enjoy it to the fullest 😘 ps, 30 degrees every day ☀️😍

Now it’s swimming time 😍

Its been 39 degrees hot for 2 days, but today is only 29 degrees 😍

Mom! Let’s take a picture in front of the house!

My mom is impossible to catch 😂😂😂

Mom! I just did 50 laps!!!

Mom: Shut up!


Look at my moms face, you simply can’t catch her on a picture 😂

What can I say, I’m really enjoying my time here. But my mom is so funny, I will start doing my own funny memes with her😂😂😂

I think I have a love life with coffee 🖤

My mom and Ivan

My uncle and cousins 🖤

New bikini to me and my daughter🖤

To really enjoy my time can sometimes be hard because my mind is always wandering off to work…. But this weekend I must say that I can’t remember when I enjoyed myself this much🖤

Ps, still haven’t packed up my things 😂😬

Visiting my family in belgrad ❤️

Landed safely after circulating 45 minutes over belgrad because of a huge storm…..🤪

Good morning Belgrad ☕️

My mother said: pack up your clothes and put it nicely in a dresser….. Me several hours later 😂😂😂

Vasilje, aunties heart ❤️

The conversation this morning was:

How do you cope with your weaknesses? When are your weaknesses at the surface? We had some great laughs about our weaknesses 🖤

Recognize your weaknesses and see the humor and try to laugh about it☀️