yesterday I left a painting at a Juice bar called Juice källan in Gothenburg 💚 A great place for delicious and healthy juices 👌🏻

I’m leaving on Thursday with my son Ivan to spend 2 lovely weeks in Belgrade (and no painting for 2 weeks 😱)❤️ My mom and sister with family is waiting for us.

I’m in a really nice artist flow and it feels like I’m breathing colors and shapes, I’ve been painting for several days in a row without break, and when I got home I realized that I need to pack and wash clothes… but it is so boring that I do everything else except packing 😂 and guess what I found…??? A bottle of champagne 🍾 so guess what I’m doing now?? I’m not packing 😂😂

Wish me packing luck 😘

Sometimes it feels like my brain is a multi color spray can 😂 I thought that today was Tuesday and midsummer is next week😏 I actually feel that the more I do creative work the more I lose track of time and space…. I need to remind myself that I have kids and they need to eat😁


This black & white painting is almost done 🖤


Time goes by so fast, it’s already middle of June and I’m home sick with a great tan, what a waist 🤥 😉 today is 5 days with fever and it is really getting very boring…. I don’t think i ever watched so many movies in my life 😂

Any great movie/series tips?

I’m am in this period in my life where I need to have faith, trust myself and my path, it is very hard sometimes and feels like this picture

I learned a lot about life these last years and I believe many of us is struggling with this topic ”faith”.

When it comes to that time in your life when faith is all you have but you don’t really have it, you don’t know the outcome and you don’t know what to do… you don’t know what to choose in your life, what decisions to make and what you will do with your life.

1. Take control of your thoughts that say:

i don’t know 🤷‍♀️, take control of what you can and make this period about taking care of yourself , like eat healthy, work out, allow your feelings without letting your feelings running you.

2. Meditate for the purpose of quieting your mind from thoughts that ask stressful questions and make your situation more insecure. So meditate to be free from thoughts that take your energy. Reset your mind.

3. Learn to have patience, in the mindset of this state it is very important that you go to action with what you can control and leave the things that are not ready for you just yet. In a patience state of mind focus on fun things, it is like your life cookie is in the oven, you can’t stress the cookie in the oven.

4. Have fun and laugh 😂

If you do this I promise you will soon know your next steps in life.

Painting ”breaking out”

Well, time for a movie 🎥

Finally a week in Spain with sunshine and to recharge☀️ I believe It’s all about the feeling i get when I do something, it’s important that beauty is surrounding me and to have those moments that makes you feel totally relaxed.

I talked to a friend today who is feeling a little low and are in a negative state of mind.

Have you ever felt that feeling that no matter what you do you are not satisfied? Well, I told my friend the only thing I believe really helps to change that wheel of negativity.

The most common thing we do in that state is:

We look at the mountain of work and feel tired just looking at it … we loose energy again… we think about things that make us loose energy…. we see pictures that reminds us of a poor state of mind…

So what do we do to gain energy and stop leaking?

1. Take your thoughts back from where ever you are at this moment and say: what would make me a little bit happier today? What do I like to do to gain a little energy, what makes me feel good today?

It’s normal when you are negative to not be in contact with what would make you happy right now, be patient….. and start thinking about what would make you glad instead.

Change your attitude towards your current situation and you will vibrate higher in a few days and good things will come your way ❤️