I feel like this ⬇️ ⬇️ after talking to my agent! (sorry Philip) I know you’re right😜 I’m being pushed soooo far out of my comfort zone 😱

Well, when I’m working this much I need to be very healthy……… celery juice ⬇️

My life is like this 😂😂😂⬇️⬇️⬇️

You can also find me here now at better art⬇️


But, then in the end, I wouldn’t change a thing❤️ Are you where you want to be right now?

If not, what is missing?

The most important thing for me is to have my own flow… To feel my way forward and have fun on my way even when i work hard………… So when my friends ask if i have time for a coffee break I’m like this ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️😂😂

I believe it’s important to make time for laughter even if the schedule is full, that always bring me back to my flow 🖤 What gives you a flow?

This week has been busy!!

Network meeting, we discussed are nearest goals….

I helped a friend set up her artwork for her exhibition.. She’s an artist and works with metals… She’s at Gothia towers 30/1-24/2🖤

Today two of my paintings got new homes❤️ I’m so grateful 🥂

I’m working on my biggest painting ever…

And just finished this beauty 😍

My next art exhibition is in Stockholm 16/3-27/3🖤 http://www.ekvalltornblom.se/

Tonight was the opening night for my friends exhibition 🥂

No matter how much life is in your face good or bad, always make time to get back in your flow 😘

Mine is laughing and making my own rules 😂

When I wake up in the morning, my coffee gene says:

Breakfast at my favorite place with 2 friends 🖤

Shopping items for some new art❤️

My biggest painting in the making… if you can guess what this is going to be i will give you a print 😘 But I’m shore you can’t guess 😂

Let me ask you something? How much do you laugh in a day? For me laughing at myself and other human funny things are like the best life medicine I have….. I’m always looking for a good laugh 😂

Camel toe

And when your best friend ask you for a stop at a fast food place in-front of a new ”friend” who you think has better character you answer ⬇️

Now I’m going to bed and watch Outlander😍 Okey good night 😘

From now on I’m going to write in English as much as i can! I don’t know the gramma but I’ll do my best since i have followers from other countries and my instincts tells me to prepare for this ….(I’m actually not good in Swedish grammar either 😂).

Have you seen the photo challenge that is popping up every where on social media? Photo on you for about 10 years ago and now 2019!?

Well here is mine… (actually 12 years) I was 30 years old 2007. Witch makes me 25 now😂

Today i had my usual breakfast meeting with a college 🖤

Started a new painting after so much inspiration from Italy 🇮🇹

Can u guess the motive?

Fixed a mini gallery at work today 👌🏻

This is so fun😂😂😂 We all should laugh more!!

If you had no fears, what would you do different right now in your life? Challenge yourself even if you fail ❤️