There is so much going on in my soul/spirit and I wish I could share it with you all but I’m not sure all of you would understand my point of view on this, so I will keep a low profile…..But I can say one thing: I believe a 100% that we are all going to come out better then okey when this shit storm is over!!! I’ll leave you with one link if you’re interested ⬇️
It’s been a busy week!!
Filming a ghost hunt with a spiritual podcast called Spokpodden!I’ll let you know when this podcast and YouTube film is coming up!Having deep conversations with spiritual people & studying Coffee is always making me feel better Spent last night with my dearest soulmate Helen and former ghost hunting friend/ colleague! Today me and my husband went out to get a makeover on our balcony and rooftop terrace ❤️Balcony in process Our small rooftop terrace is coming to life..😂😂😂😂😂 Happy easter everyone 🐣🐣
Wow this year is really a wake up call for so many of us! We all have our personal journey and it’s interesting how this awakening is interfering with our lifes. I mean every human being is effected in some way with the virus. So my question to you is: how are you doing in these times regarding keeping your vibration as high as you can? Me personally is waking up for real when it comes to wearing “pink glasses” and I’m really trying to enjoy every moment in the now.
This year in January 14 I was actually in Northern Italy in Bergamo Milano at a huge art fair! And then 3 weeks later i went to New York for 2 weeks for my exhibition in Manhattan! This means i been in 2 of the most exposed areas for Corona virus just before the big outbreaks!!! I mean, what are the odds?? Yes I got sick 5 days after my NYC trip and had all the symptoms except hard breathing. I was really sick for a week.
This is how the number 20 is a symbol for in ancient wisdom of tarot, and we are in the year 2020! A real awakening from the boxes ….The last good fellas supper is done😍 It’s a favorite of mine ❤️Home made pizza gluten free & vegan (no, I’m not a vegan I’m just trying to be healthy)Almost done ~Icon Cola~SOLD❗️Boost yourself with vitamin CNice coffee moments…Breakfast at home..
Don’t forget to laugh even in times like this ❤️ fear is a low vibration… Joy, laughter is a high vibration 😘
Hi everyone! Isn’t it surreal? Everything? What can we do in a situation like this to maintain a vibration that is okey and not dive in the corona hole!
1. Be as mindful that you can be, choose how to respond to what ever comes your way. When we allow ourselves to choose our response, we need to take a few breaths and think, instead of reacting with our nervous system and do things that is not in a higher vibe. Don’t react on low vibration, allow your feelings but don’t respond.
2. Be creative with whatever that can make you focus on something good or the best outcome of your situation.
3. If you have to work, do what you can to be safe and leave the rest of your worries to a higher plain.
4. If you are at home in a quarantine, do all the things you never have time to do, take time with your loved ones on FaceTime (video calls), redecorate or watch good series or movies, be creative and do everything you can to be in the moment, DONT WAIT FOR BETTER TIMES, to wait is a very low vibration with 100% resistance, now is always the time.
5. Do guided meditations or mindfulness.
Working on my “Goodfellas” last supper Done, Nikola Tesla 🖤
Today is springs first day and this weekend felt like 2 seconds…. This Thursday was my lecture on toxic people and it is such an important topic, I believe that we need to educate ourselves more on this topic because they are growing in numbers…..
Watch my TikTok on toxic people 👇🏻 went to Clinic OSS (SalongOss) and got some magic done! Its so important that you go to professional people in this industry. Thank you so much Patrick & Johanna ❤️I’m so grateful for this painting that came to a beautiful new home❤️
Tomorrow is a brand new week and I’m really looking forward to this week, I love spring and I just have such a great feeling for the nearest future, (or maybe I’m a hopeless optimist)! Don’t forget to laugh 😂
I had such a great start this week!! Quality time with my childhood friend and got my hair done from Sinners and Saints (@hairbynadja). And I stopped by my Absolut favorite fashion store in Gothenburg and there they were………… My new shoes 😂😂😍😍❤️❤️❤️ From TWO ANGELS 🖤 And I attended a great workshop with my dearest friend Josefine C the astrologer and we went out in space all night 😍 Tomorrow is my own workshop on narcissists & toxic people and it’s sold out🙏🏻
A workshop/lecture about toxic people!Monica Zetterlund a Swedish Jazz Queen in process…