Tonight’s dinner date is with old friends from Boston❤️ More updates later😘
Tonight’s dinner date is with old friends from Boston❤️ More updates later😘
It’s art every where 😍 I definitely lived here in the 1920’s 😘
And off course my Diconic jewelry was with me all day❤️
The smells in NY is just amazing, I really am a city person 😍 and this was just a small taste of my day! Hope you all are feeling great 😘
Now, super-bowl & room service 😍
Omg time is flying!! I feel so blessed with all the beautiful souls that is in my life❤️
I’m leaving on Sunday for NYC! And we land just in time for SUPERBOWL ❤️
My daughter is 18 years old today ❤️ And I’ve never met a kinder soul than this child ❤️