Tell you all about my journey this weekend 😘😘
Tell you all about my journey this weekend 😘😘
Yesterday was the annual artist party at Rundqvist Tryckeri! So much fun and good food❤️ http://rundqvist.se/
A great night with great artists that ended very late😁 and up early this morning😨
The new year is already making marks and my promise to myself for 2020 is going okey so far😂 Wish you all a good Monday 😘
Tomorrow I will ship 2 paintings that (nobody has seen ) to Italy for a big art fair ❤️ I’m so excited and will tell you where this will take place when it’s time…
Today is our last day at Christmas paradise ❤️ Tomorrow I’m going to meet 2 off my old friends and catch up ❤️ Then my break is over, I have sooooo much preparations to do for Italy & New York 😱
I hope you all are having a beautiful Christmas break 😘
The gifts are finally done and almost all the preparations are finished before we leave to Branäs to celebrate Christmas with the big family ❤️🎅🏻🎄 it’s a place with snow & skies! Ps, no I don’t ski but I do like a nice fire place and a warm drink😁
Yesterday I spent with my new love (my closet )
And this beautiful painting ~I am good enough~ from my series ”Self love” from 2018 got sold🥂
I also left a second painting for display in the shopping mall Arkaden at Grönskap by Löfqvist❤️
And this beauty is also sold to a new place❤️
More updated art catalogs arrived ❤️
My Christmas celebration starts today❤️ And I wish you the best Christmas ever❤️🎅🏻