Today is a special day! My hair extensions from DC hair solutions arrived to Sinners and Saints! Hairdresser Majken fixed me up❤️
Get your crown hair HERE

Today is a special day! My hair extensions from DC hair solutions arrived to Sinners and Saints! Hairdresser Majken fixed me up❤️
Get your crown hair HERE
I just bought a hairpiece to make beautiful different hairstyles with🖤
Today I’m half way in on a special diet! 2 more weeks of ONLY 100% MEAT/FISH and absolutely NO carbohydrates! The “stuff” (SIBO) inside that wants sugar is about to die 🤪 It’s actually easier than I thought these first 2 weeks! The diet is called Carnivore or Karnivor. The best thing is that the weight really comes off!!!
Happy weekend 😘😘😘😘
Traveled to south of Sweden for a organizational development job at the best food store ICA Kvantum in beautiful Åhus ❤️
Many good things happening now !! I’m excited for what’s to come ❤️ Honor your dreams with action hard work that is in alignment with your visions !!! And don’t forget to laugh on the way to the end of the rainbow 🌈