ART 2021 – 2024
ART 2019 – 2020
ART 2017 – 2018
ART COLLECTION 2021 – 2024

-Walk in closet-
Size 180 X 150 cm
Price 25.000 sek

-A new time-
(This painting is for sale at Galleri Scandinavia in Gothenburg)
painting revealing a new time
120 x 200 cm mixed media, acrylic painting.

-Geometric flow-
150 x 100 cm acrylic painting
Price 12.000 sek

-The passage –
A painting that represents when its time to take the next step in life.
125 x 170 cm acrylic painting

Paintings on fine art paper size 56 x 76 cm without frame.

-Spray me –
Mixed media with a real spray can, recycled frame
size 50 x 40 cm
These 13 paintings are from my new art collection called ”A rift in time” , its all about timelines and being able to travel in time back and forth within you, to create the timelines you want to be in. Every painting has a ballerina that is a symbol for us humans when we are mastering the path we are currently on. The butterflyes in the paintings symbolize the beautiful transformation we been going through.

Size 100 x 80 cm price 15.000 sek

” A rift in time” NO, 2
Size 199 X 150 cm with silver frame.
Price 40.000 sek

”A rift in time” NO. 3
Size 206 X 150 cm
Price 49.000 sek

” A rift in time” NO. 1
Size 120 x 100 cm
Price 20.000 sek

”A rift in time” NO. 7
Size 120 x 60 cm.
price 13.000 sek

”A rift in time” NO. 9.
Size 100 X 100 cm
Price 20.000 sek

” A rift in time” NO. 6
Size 120 x 80 cm
15.000 sek

” A rift in time” NO. 10. SOLD!!
Size 60 X 60 cm
Price 12.000 sek


Size 30x 40 cm Price 7.000 sek.

An intriguing thought to jump timelines/dimensions and go back and fourth through time. Visiting your future self or going back.
120 X 100 cm collage and acrylic paint on canvas.
Price 22.000 SEK

35 X 32 cm Champagne bottle NO. 55, thick heavy golden frame.
Price 6.000 sek

-Champagne on tap- (SOLD)
60 X 50 cm mixed media and champagne bottles.
Price 8.000 sek

-Timelines- SOLD!
This painting is representing time and different dimensions, quantum leaping. Everything exist now.
Mixed media , acrylic paint. 160 X 190 cm
Price 49.000 sek

In collaboration with Photoagrapher Torleif Svensson and his photo exhibition of QUEEN ”The last tour” With original photos from Queens last tour. Im honored to do art on several of these photos.
Size 155 X 110 cm with frame

In collaboration with Photoagrapher Torleif Svensson and his photo exhibition of QUEEN ”The last tour” With original photos from Queens last tour. Im honored to do art on several of these photos.
Size 155 X 110 cm with frame

Champagne ART (SOLD)
This Champagne is my own art on the bottle and the lable. Signed and numbered.
Price 8.000 Sek

Mixed media, Acryl, size 100 x 70 cm. Price 25.000 sek.
Konstkuppen Gothenburg 2023 celebration of 400 years. 400 different artist is doing there artistic expression on Gothenburg.
This Last supper in Gothenburg is my take on Gothenburg.
Exhibition starts Friday 2 June 16:00 at Gamlestadens slakthus.

A custom made ”last supper painting” to the colaboration and opening between Sinners and Saints hair salon and Kicks flagship store in Gothenburg femman huset.
A collaboration with the designer Peter Englund
This leather jacket is Peters from 1986, he has styled it and used it for many occasions, and now 40 years later it turned into an art installation. This art piece is signed and numbered with the story. NO. 1
Price 40.000 SEK.
This art is at display at Peters studio in Stockholm.

Champagne ART
This art you can custom made order with your choice of champagne and colors.

Sophia Loren acrylic painting, custom made order to Spain Malaga

SOLD!! -City wall-
80 x 60cm mixed media
Price 10.000 sek

100 x 70 cm mixed media , acrylic

100 X 100 cm media

100 X 100 cm acrylic paint

150 x 133 cm acrylic painting
Price 19.000 sek
SOLD!! -You can do anything, its all a matrix-
175 X 141 cm acrylic paint on canvas.
Price 20.000 sek

175 X 143 cm mixed media, acrylic paint

Andy Warhol 100 X 81 cm acrylic painting

200 x 150 cm acrylic painting
Next dimension

120 x 80 cm , Mixed media
Leonardo da vinci, Astrid lindgren, Einstein, Andy Warhol, Mona-Lisa as jesus, Marilyn Monroe, Donald duck, Godfather, Coco Chanel

80 x 80cm mixed media

150 X 120 cm acrylic paint on canvas
(The painting in the picture is in actual size)
Price 19.000 sek

Even MonaLisa smiles for this.
Mixed media 150 X120 cm

This painting is at Gallery Ekvall & Törnblom
120 x 80 cm Mixed media.

80 x 60 cm mixed media collage and acrylic paint.
This painting is at Gallery Ekvall & Törnblom

80 x 60 cm acrylic paint on canvas with frame.

80 x 60 cm acrylic paint with black frame

Acrylic paint with golden leafs 150 x 120 cm canvas.

mixed media and resin oil 100 x 70 cm

Mixed media 80 x 60 cm on canvas

100 x 80 cm mixed media

120 x 100 cm mixed media on canvas.
This painting hangs on display and for sale at Fashion store TWO ANGELS in Gothenburg.

100 x 70 cm mixed media

120 X 100 cm acryl, mixed media
with frame

100 x 80 cm mixed media, Acryl on canvas.

100 x 100 cm mixed media, Acryl.
This painting represents the end of an old age and era, and a new time is born,
but this painting is in-between the two times and is representing the ”gap” after the ending an before the birth.

120 X 100 cm mixed media, acrylic paint. canvas.

60 x 60 cm mixed media

Mixed media 80 x 60 cm

100 x 80 cm mixed media on canvas

100 x 70 cm mixed media on canvas

Don’t tell ”them” Show them what you are.
120 x 100 cm mixed media, Acryl on linen

Your dreams are coming! Mixed media on canvas, acrylic paint.
Size 100 x 70 cm.

Imagine if you could do what your heart is desire..
200 x 180 cm Mixed media, Acryl on linen.

150 x 120 cm, mixed media, Acryl on canvas

This painting in acrylic is for you to interpret, and you can see many levels if you let yourself.
Size 100 x 100 cm with black frame.

100 x 100 cm mixed media, Acryl on canvas.


120 x 100 cm acrylic painting on canvas.

100 X 70 cm mixed media, acrylic paint on canvas.

150 X 100 cm mixed media, Acryl on linen.

Acrylic painting on canvas

80 x 60 cm mixed media, acrylic paint. Canvas.

100 X 100 cm acrylic painting with mixed media background.

Acrylic painting, mixed media 80 X 100 cm


120 X 100 cm acrylic painting
Price 12.000 sek
This painting is for sale at Stora möbelhuset I Kungälv (Svenska HEM)

-Pink Lisa- Price 3000 sek
-Einstein- !SOLD!
-Lisa state 2020 – 3500 sek
(40 X 50 cm frame)
All paintings are Original art on acid free paper, acrylic paint, frame included with glass. 30 X 40 cm.

mixed media on canvas. this painting

180 X 120 cm mixed media.

3 X 1 meter
Mixed media, acrylic paint

Acrylic painting
205 X 150 cm with frame
This painting is for sale at Stora möbelhuset I Kungälv (Svenska HEM)

195 X 150 cm acrylic painting with frame.
This painting is for sale at Stora möbelhuset I Kungälv (Svenska HEM)

acrylic painting with frame
This painting is for sale at Stora möbelhuset I Kungälv (Svenska HEM)

Acrylic painting 100 X 100 cm, golden leafs.
Price 15.000 SEK
This painting is about the human consciousness in many levels and Leonardos words of wisdom from his century, and it is still relevant.

120 X 100 cm mixed media, Acryl
Price 15.000 sek
This painting is for sale at Stora möbelhuset I Kungälv (Svenska HEM)

To meet life with an open heart even when you know life can really hurt sometimes, i rather get hurt then to live life in fear
120 X 80 cm acrylic.

120 X 80 cm acrylic paint, resin oil.
Price 15.000 sek
This painting is for sale at Stora möbelhuset I Kungälv (Svenska HEM)

120 X 80 cm acrylic and golden leafs on linen. Golden frame.

120 X 80 cm on linen.

100 X 70 cm acrylic on linen with golden frame.

50 X 45 cm with frame, acrylic paint.

45 X 38 cm with recycled frame, acrylic paint.

40 X 32 cm with recycled frame, acrylic paint.
Price 4.500 SEK

Acrylic painting on canvas with frame.

Recycled hair dryer from 1950. Acrylic paint, resin oil and a acrylic see through box.
Height 70 X 35 cm (BOX)

Recycled can, mixed media, resin oil, acrylic box.
Height 70 X 40 cm (BOX)

85 X 75 acrylic painting with recycled frame.

75 X 65 cm with frame, recycled. Mixed media.

150 X 100 cm Mixed media, resin oil.

100 X 120 cm
Mixed media on canvas

75 X 65 cm with frame

120 X 100 cm mixed media

120 X 100 cm mixed media

Mixed media 140 X 100 cm on linen, resin oil.

Mixed media 140 X 100 cm on Linen.

Mixed media , 150 X 100 cm on canvas. Resin oil.

150 X 100 cm mixed media, resin.

48 X 48 cm with frame and glass, mixed media.

63X50 cm with frame, recycled, mixed media, resin.

80 X 60 cm with frame, mixed media and others.

50 X 83 cm Bended Metal sheet, mixed media

50 X 83 cm Bended Metal sheet, mixed media, gold metal leaf.

100 X 60 cm recycled art, acrylic, resin.

48 X 48 cm mixed media, acrylic, framed with glass

80 X 60 cm mixed media, akryl, champagne corks, resin.

48 X 48 cm. with frame and glass.

This beauty hangs for display in Gothenburgs fashion store TWO ANGELS.
150 X 100 cm Mixed media, Acryl, resin

A painting that reminds us to feel our self worthy. Gold/money is just a symbol for worth. Lets get the best we can at the level we are at!
100 X 80 cm, mixed media on canvas.

80 X 60 cm Mixed media, resin finish for shiny effect.

-Mona Lisa Success spray-
-Mona Lisa organic wealth spray-
-Mons Lisa condensed success spray-
All 3 paintings 100 X 50 cm, mixed media on canvas, resin.


150 X 100 cm Acrylic, collage, champagne corks on canvas.
60 X 60 cm Acrylic, collage on canvas.
Price 10.000 SEK
120 X 100 cm, acrylic on stretched canvas
150 X 100 cm acrylic & collage on canvas, resin
Price 20.000 SEK
100 X 100 cm Acryl, collage and LP.
This painting is in Italy (Brescia)
100 X 70 cm Acrylic & Collage on canvas.
-Anita Ekberg-
This painting is in Italy (Brescia)
100 X 70 cm Acrylic paint & collage on canvas
-Ramonas Tiger- SOLD!
100 X 100 cm
This painting was in in New York Manhattan (Tribeca) at Gallery 104 February 2020.
100 X 100 cm acrylic on canvas & collage
-Go banana- SOLD!
This painting was in in New York Manhattan (Tribeca) at Gallery 104 February 2020.
80 X 80 cm Acrylic paint on canvas, collage & 22 carat goldTHIS ART IS AVAILABLE IN PRINT AT ÅHLENS.SE
This painting was in Rome Italy at gallery Rossocinabro 2019-2020
100 X 100 cm acrylic paint on canvas & collage
–What do you want-
This painting is in Rome Italy
100 X 70 cm
Acrylic,canvas, collage, 22 carat gold
-Time traveler station-
2X3 meter acrylic, canvas
SOLD! -Facets of life-

Al Capone AKA Scarface