Organization development❤️

Kategorier Kropp & själ, Personlig utveckling, Uncategorized

After 3 days work with the best topic: Success !!! I’m on my way home to Gothenburg ❤️ What a great couple of days 😍 I’m so grateful ❤️

Sold a painting at Gallery Hg in Stockholm 😍
This event is postponed until the Covid restrictions are better🙏🏻 If you want to see/buy my latest collection of paintings in the series of success, you can schedule your appointment with me and come to my studio in Gothenburg! Email me or text. +46(0)736794200.

Tomorrow my beautiful friend Ulle is getting her new home keys, so it will be bubbles🥂 & painting walls😍 And laughing so hard that I will probably pee my pants a little bit 😂

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