Trying to maintain a good vibration….

Kategorier Kropp & själ, Personlig utveckling, Uncategorized

Hi everyone! Isn’t it surreal? Everything? What can we do in a situation like this to maintain a vibration that is okey and not dive in the corona hole!

1. Be as mindful that you can be, choose how to respond to what ever comes your way. When we allow ourselves to choose our response, we need to take a few breaths and think, instead of reacting with our nervous system and do things that is not in a higher vibe. Don’t react on low vibration, allow your feelings but don’t respond.

2. Be creative with whatever that can make you focus on something good or the best outcome of your situation.

3. If you have to work, do what you can to be safe and leave the rest of your worries to a higher plain.

4. If you are at home in a quarantine, do all the things you never have time to do, take time with your loved ones on FaceTime (video calls), redecorate or watch good series or movies, be creative and do everything you can to be in the moment, DONT WAIT FOR BETTER TIMES, to wait is a very low vibration with 100% resistance, now is always the time.

5. Do guided meditations or mindfulness.

Working on my “Goodfellas” last supper
Done, Nikola Tesla 🖤

Take care of yourself 🖤🖤🖤

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